Don’t Settle for the Dregs

The other day, a friend from church shared a message on our ladies’ ministry Facebook page that I thought everyone should hear. She explained that her cheap, no-name coffee pot had broken…it had been on the fritz for a while, but she kept using it, to avoid spending money on a new one…even drinking coffee with coffee grounds in it. One day she’d had enough and just threw it away. A couple days later, her father-in-law showed up at her door with a brand-new Keurig that his company was getting rid of. She said God spoke to her right then explaining that if she’d just let loose of the broken things in her life, He’d be faithful to replace those things with something even greater. Wow! I asked her permission to share this with you because I thought it was a really powerful message. 

Whether it’s tangible things, relationships or habits, when we keep feeding the toxicity in our lives, there’s no room for God to fill our voids. We have to relinquish all our brokenness to Him and trust that what He has for us is so much better. Psalm 55:22 “Cast your cares on the Lord and He will sustain you.” When we learn to lay it all at the cross…our sin, our pain, our situations…we can be assured that God hears us, sees us, and will sustain us. This Psalm doesn’t say to cast your cares for a week and if you don’t see any results, start sinning/worrying/hurting again in seven days. No, once we let go of our control and give it to God, we need to believe that His will and His way, in His time, will produce the best results.  

Keurig is a top-of-the-line coffee machine, it is a household name. God is a top-of-the-line Father and He should be a household name. Once we know Him, we don’t ever have to settle for the dregs.


Leave That Ball and Chain Where it Belongs!


Are You Astray?