Give Me My Flowers Now

Why is it we wait for someone to die before we celebrate their life? Have you noticed that nothing brings family together like a funeral…that’s sad, isn’t it? You’ve probably heard the saying, “give me my flowers now.” When a loved one passes, we buy outrageously expensive flowers because why? Is it out of respect or tradition? Do we want others to see how much we cared or is it because we feel guilty…ashamed that we didn’t do more for them while they were alive? Truth is, flowers wilt away and there’s no getting that time back, so why do we put off loving our friends and family? 

Unfortunately, we are a busy, procrastinating society. We always think we’ll have tomorrow to do all the things we desire to do. We’re so caught up in schedules and living mundane, habitual lives that we don’t take time to appreciate and celebrate the things in life that we’ve become accustomed to, yet aren’t thankful for. How about the air you breathe? When’s the last time you thanked God for that? What about your sight or hearing, your job or ability to walk? Most likely, we complain that our air is polluted, our sight is so bad we need glasses or that we hate our jobs. In the blink of an eye, we could lose any one of these things and our lives would drastically change forever.   

We don’t know how much we appreciate and love something or someone until they’re gone. We depend on people and things in our life and when they are stripped away, we feel hopeless, left with a huge void. The only way to semi-avert this dilemma is to be thankful for all your blessings every day. Celebrate your loved ones…call them, do things for them, let them know how much they mean to you. Welcome your job because there are disabled people who can’t work but wish they could; be thankful that you hear your neighbors throwing a really loud party because the deaf can’t hear it. You get the point… 

Nobody is promised tomorrow. Say your “I love you’s” today. Appreciate and be thankful for all God has done for you TODAY. Give me my flowers now.



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